Wednesday, July 18, 2007


The topic today is immigration. This is a hot topic in my neighborhood of Aspen Hill as I suppose you could say that we were invaded a long time ago. As the old timers died out and the people with money ran away, all that was left were the Hispanics and ME. Not many black people, not many Asians - just Hispanics and ME.

Now, not long after my parents moved into Shepherd Park down in DC - all the Jews ran way. I'm not sure whether they were running from ME or the blacks-probably the blacks. We couldn't afford to run away even if we wanted to. Just like now. So I know what it's like to have people run away from you. Actually, it's not too bad, really. And I don't think the Hispanics care if the regular people run away. They just take over.

I believe in open borders. I believe that labor should follow capital - that system works best. However, you can't have open borders when you are running a welfare state, when you have enshrined the notion that the government must provide an education, medical care etc. etc.
These socialist ideas must be eradicated FIRST before a country can allow mass immigration - especially low income, low educated immigrants. Those changes will benefit EVERYONE -immigrant and native alike. Building fences and chasing illegal aliens around won't work over the long run.

In JohnnyLand, this is not a problem. The decision of who goes and who stays is up to ME. Don't talk or dress funny or make any trouble - you will probably be OK.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

This the beginning of my blog. It will probably be only of interest to me. I imagine I will cover family life, but mostly politics, religion, and current events. We shall see - maybe some neighborhood events and outrages. I am new to all this, so I am firguring it out as I go along.

I am John - hence JohnnyLand. I have longed yearned to establish a place called JohnnyLand. It would be a a combination of Libertarianism and Facism. Freedon only goes as far as I say it does, you see. For the time being, this will be that place. I can comment on things as I go along and see if if this becomes tiresome.

Just thought I 'd put in a picture of my my new guitar. Here it is - A 2004 SG Standard. I like it.